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subject at High School or at a Technical and Further Education (TAFE) College can often be transferred to another course of study to be taken at a different institution.
This has been made possible by a range of agreements between the NSW Board of Studies, TAFE NSW, and some universities; giving students the opportunity to gain credit for courses they have completed elsewhere. In effect, it means that students do not have to attend classes for subjects they have studies previously, nor do they have to be tested in those subjects.
Apart from taking up a student’s precious time, the studying of a subject in which the student has already proved his or her ability can have a negative impact on other students. There is, after all, a limit to number of places available in any course at tertiary level, and studying a subject twice take course places away from others.
Credit transfers can also work both ways. For instance, credit for subjects studied at TAFE after leaving school might count towards reducing the amount of time it takes to pass the Higher School Certificate (HSC) should a student wish to do so. In addition, it is now possible to study at TAFE and complete the HSC simultaneously, saving even more valuable time and money.
Credit transfers from HSC to TAFE courses allow many opportunities to diversify and apply one’s talents to the study of courses with similar background requirements. For example, studying Mathematics at 2, 3, or 4 unit level for the HSC can give a student credit in Associate Diploma courses at TAFE in fields as wide-ranging as Building, Computer Technology, and Civil Engineering. At present, more than 30 HSC subjects offer the opportunity to transfer credit to over 90 TAFE courses.
At a higher level of study, transfers of credit can presently be arranged from over 100 TAFE courses into nearly 700 university courses, and a student might be eligible for credit transfer in over a dozen or more associated courses – each leading towards a different qualification. To give only one example: the TAFE Associate Diploma in Architectural Drafting can provide credit towards a Bachelor of Science Degree, or a degree in Engineering, at a number of NSW universities.
It is very important to look carefully into the possibility of obtaining a credit transfer, if you wish to save yourself a lot of unnecessary study. By finding out about credit transfers form the student counselor at your school or college, you may be able to avoid studying a subject more than once and obtain your chosen qualification much sooner than you expect.
6. Studying a subject twice
a. wastes a student’s time.   b. costs a student extra money.

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