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文章来源:本站原创 点击数: 更新时间:2006-2-7

The claim that “the onset of asbestosis in a normal working life should not develop if (exposure is maintained within maximum limits)” was cited by critics as evidence of insufficient assurance. Given the time lag which exists between exposure and the diagnosis of asbestos-related diseases, it was unlikely that disease would be diagnosed in a normal working lifetime irrespective of levels of exposure.
Despite these criticism, the recommended guidelines were incorporated into the working practice of the British Builders Federation. As a result, it is possible that workers who have been exposed to asbestos may continue to die of asbestos-induced tumors well into 21st century.
1. The report assumed that asbestos would continue to be employed in the building industry on the basis of evidence provided by
a. its versatility and cost effectiveness.  b. building workers.
c. building management and economists.  d. US and Canadian reports
2. In bonded form
a. no asbestos fibers are released.   b. asbestos fibers may enter the air.
c. there is an increased likelihood that asbestos fibers enter the air.
d. asbestos can be bonded with cement.
3. Dust formation can be reduced by
a. the use of wetted, bonded forms of asbestos. b. inadequate ventilation.
c. the use of protective respiratory equipment. d. the vacuuming of clothing.
4. The report claimed that
a. higher levels of amosite and chrysotile can be safely inhales.
b. lower levels of amosite and chrysotile are dangerous.
c. white asbestos can be safely inhaled only in smaller quantities than blue asbestos.
d. there are no safe maximum levels of asbestos inhalation.
5. The statement that if “maximum exposure levels” are strictly adhered to the onset of asbestosis in a normal working life should not develop is
a. the opinion of the writer of the reading passage.
b. a claim made by the authors of NMRC report.
c. the assurance given by critics of the report.
d. a claim rejected by building workers.
Most students would agree that having to study a subject more than once is a waste of time, if the subject has already passed and is well understood. Fortunately, these credit for having passed a

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