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文章来源:网络 点击数: 更新时间:2010-1-26

Rank Institute Country Peer Review Score Employer Review Score Staff/ Student Score Citations/ Staff Score Inter- national Staff Score Inter- national Student Score Overall Score
1 Harvard University US 100 100 98 100 85 78 100.0
2 University of Cambridge UK 100 100 100 89 98 96 99.6
3 Yale University US 100 99 100 94 85 77 99.1
4 University College London UK 98 99 100 90 96 99 99.0
5 Imperial College London UK 100 100 100 80 98 100 97.8
6 University of Oxford UK 100 100 100 80 96 97 97.8
7 University of Chicago US 100 99 97 88 77 83 96.8
8 Princeton University US 100 96 82 100 89 81 96.6
9 Massachusetts Institute of Technology US 100 100 89 100 31 95 96.1
10 California Institute of Technology US 99 72 87 100 100 89 95.9
11 Columbia University US 100 99 97 92 28 89 95.6
12 University of Pennsylvania US 96 99 85 98 82 60 94.2
13 Johns Hopkins University US 98 79 100 99 28 71 94.1
14 Duke University US 95 97 100 93 29 62 92.9
15 Cornell University US 100 99 85 94 28 73 92.5
16 Stanford University US 100 100 71 100 25 96 92.2
17 Australian National University AU 100 91 75 74 99 92 90.5
18 McGill University CA 100 97 92 61 67 95 90.4
19 University of Michigan US 99 99 85 81 57 52 89.9
20 University of Edinburgh UK 97 99 84 65 93 86 89.3
21 ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) SW 97 80 55 99 100 94 89.3
22 University of Tokyo JA 100 97 98 70 28 42 88.9
23 King’s College London UK 91 98 90 67 92 88 88.4
24 University of Hong Kong HK 96 89 87 56 100 95 87.5
25 Kyoto University JA 100 93 81 85 32 26 87.1
26 University of Manchester UK 94 100 79 58 90 87 85.7
27 Carnegie Mellon University US 94 93 56 88 62 96 85.6
28 Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris FR 94 87 100 53 76 61 85.4
29 University of Toronto CA 100 96 63 74 82 51 85.3
30 National University of Singapore SI 100 96 40 75 100 100 84.3
31 Brown University US 88 85 67 97 53 55 83.9
32 University of California, Los Angeles US 100 98 46 100 21 33 83.5
33 Northwestern University US 86 97 78 79 28 100 83.5
34 University of Bristol UK 83 99 84 69 85 77 83.4
35 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology HK 89 86 84 54 100 99 83.3
36 Ecole Polytechnique FR 76 99 100 65 63 95 83.1
37 University of Melbourne AU 100 100 57 61 59 97 83.1
38 University of Sydney AU 99 97 58 53 99 95 83.1
39 University of California, Berkeley US 100 100 25 100 86 34 82.7
40 University of British Columbia CA 100 93 51 77 34 60 81.2
41 University of Queensland AU 94 95 47 67 99 82 80.7
42 Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne SW 67 70 92 84 100 100 80.6
43 Osaka University JA 92 73 90 68 24 33 80.1
44 Trinity College Dublin IR 88 96 72 49 98 83 80.1
45 Monash University AU 98 99 56 42 95 96 80.0
46 Chinese University of Hong Kong HK 87 77 77 55 97 79 79.6
47 University of New South Wales AU 96 99 39 62 82 93 79.0
48 Seoul National University SK 99 69 92 47 29 33 79.0
49 University of Amsterdam Nl 93 81 73 62 71 32 78.9
50 Tsinghua University CN 98 83 95 34 45 34 78.9
51 University of Copenhagen DE 84 67 100 48 71 73 78.8
52 New York University US 94 94 75 53 26 52 78.4
53 Peking University CN 100 93 89 35 24 30 78.4
54 Boston University US 87 87 68 67 25 89 77.8
55 Technical University of Munich GE 73 90 92 58 56 74 76.3
56 Tokyo Institute of Technology JA 81 79 72 80 31 49 76.3
57 Heidelberg University GE 90 47 77 58 58 80 76.2
58 University of Warwick UK 86 100 63 39 85 97 75.7
59 University of Alberta CA 88 71 65 52 91 66 75.4
60 Leiden University NL 89 58 35 97 74 40 75.3
61 University of Auckland NZ 95 96 36 45 93 99 74.7
62 University of Wisconsin-Madison US 90 76 44 87 29 36 74.7
63 Aarhus University DE 83 51 65 75 69 66 74.5
64 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign US 92 66 23 93 72 49 74.5
65 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven BE 94 80 35 73 55 55 74.2
66 University of Birmingham UK 78 93 57 63 83 76 73.9
67 London School of Economics UK 89 100 53 29 100 100 73.7
68 Lund University SW 84 59 55 78 57 62 73.7
69 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology SK 84 52 77 65 47 31 72.6
70 Utrecht University Nl 87 65 61 71 43 24 72.4
71 University of York UK 63 95 75 61 95 83 72.4
72 University of Geneva SL 68 36 54 96 97 100 72.3
73 Nanyang Technological University SI 86 84 44 44 100 100 72.0
74 Washington University in St Louis US 57 50 95 98 30 53 72.0
75 Uppsala University SW 89 51 42 80 68 40 71.9
76 University of California, San Diego US 98 51 17 100 22 27 71.5
77 University of Texas at Austin US 93 92 29 65 55 41 71.5
78 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill US 72 78 72 82 23 26 71.3
79 University of Glasgow UK 73 83 67 64 58 60 71.2
80 University of Washington US 83 46 45 99 25 36 71.1
81 University of Adelaide AU 78 87 38 62 87 96 70.8
82 University of Sheffield UK 65 97 70 59 81 76 70.6
83 Delft University of Technology NL 78 88 57 49 84 73 70.4
84 University of Western Australia AU 72 81 50 63 99 87 70.2
85 Dartmouth College US 58 93 60 100 34 52 70.1
86 Georgia Institute of Technology US 76 81 23 99 36 77 70.0
87 Purdue University US 83 83 38 58 94 60 69.8
88 University of St Andrews UK 57 92 74 61 91 99 69.8
89 University College Dublin IR 72 94 67 37 95 90 69.7
90 Emory University US 51 68 94 90 41 45 69.6
91 University of Nottingham UK 70 99 61 48 84 86 69.4
92 Nagoya University JA 67 77 89 61 28 34 69.2
93 University of Zurich SL 79 37 22 98 99 71 69.2
94 Free University of Berlin GE 87 31 28 92 49 63 69.0
95 University of Southampton UK 64 87 66 59 86 76 68.9
96 National Taiwan University Taiwan 93 82 39 57 29 25 68.9
97 Tohoku University JA 67 58 98 58 36 32 68.6
98 Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich GE 86 45 34 76 53 66 68.4
99 University of Leeds UK 73 99 57 48 75 62 68.3
100 Rice University US 56 44 86 87 38 67 68.1
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